Friday, 1 April 2011

Flashback Friday

So this is my first go at Flashback Friday over at Karin's blog hop on Cafe Bebe...

This photo inspired me as my little boy has just turned two...

I was 3 here and my son has an uncanny resemblance to me in this photo (the one in front of the cake!). This was taken in Lancashire about a year before we moved south. 

There are a whole host of photo's where my sister (in the stripey top) is sporting that funky hairdo. She has untagged herself on facebook because of the shame. Who knows maybe I would have copied her look but I was still very much catching up with my hair. No it wasn't cut short, it had probably only been growing a year and the girl sat next to me is the same age as me. I still have no idea what my chubby cousin (she has said this herself) was propped up on behind the chair. 

I must ask if I was lucky enough not to wear a hand me down dress on my special day, we're talking seven year age gap hand me downs!!

Pop over and have a nosey at everyone else's old snaps!