So here are my top five things I would change about my wedding day..
1. From the start of the planning I knew that I couldn't justify spending a fortune on a wedding dress so I decided not to. I had a style in mind and found one in Monsoon I loved and had it altered a little bit (I had to have a dress fitting), it was very similar to one I had tried on in a bridal shop which cost £1000 and to me was perfect. I don't let it bug me too much but I find myself looking at other people's dresses and wishing mine was more grand *sighs*. Occasionally I will have a look at my dress hanging in the wardrobe and my love of it will be renewed.
2. I wouldn't be so stupid as to mark my dress before I even leave the house. I applied some lipgloss and made a quick dash to the loo and as I was readjusting my underwear I flipped the dress quickly only for it to fly up and stick on my lips! That just opened the flood gates and I thought my dress was ruined. In the end you could barely see it and I forgot as soon as I got out of the car, as you know too much else to worry about.
3. I would change my hair, in some shots it still really annoys me! I would have a side chignon of sorts now but then that's now. I realise whatever I had I probably would 'go off'.
4. I wouldn't bother buying the delightfully sexy Trinny and Susannah support knickers that I did (I know not pretty but the bra was!). On the day they were pretty uncomfortable and where they once worked a few weeks prior to the wedding they did absolutely nothing to hide my pregnant BLOAT on the day (another reason why the dress failed me).
5. Lastly although we have some great photo's, I would change the photographer. I spent an awful lot of time researching someone who would photograph the day in the reportage style I wanted. He did that but mainly of randoms at the wedding, didn't take enough of family and then went bankrupt so we never got our wedding album. Worry not the
So pop over and see what aspects everyone else would change!