Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Movie Meme - Horror

I saw Hannah's theme this week and rubbed my hands in glee. Until recently horror films were always the film genre of choice for me and I used to challenge myself to try and find films that scared me. People would recommend films claiming they were terrifying only for me to sit laughing at some of the ludicrous creatures/predators.

I am going to be indulgent (because Hannah said we could) and choose two films. My strongest fears come from childhood recollections of films and for this reason I have chosen Halloween from 1978. I have since watched it and as predicted I don't find it as scary now and of course the special effects we have nowadays make this film look very basic. The sequels just get more silly, Jamie Lee Curtis plays one tough cookie who has to look over her shoulder her whole life and still doesn't get rid of her brother even after beheading him? very silly! What gets me still is the music, I only have to hear it to make me feel a bit funny and then this will be accompanied by visions of Michael Myers in his white face mask. I have even freaked myself out during the night thinking of that mask, thinking don't think of his name, don't think of his name.

The second film is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (both the 1974 and 2003). This film is just a rollercoaster for me, I am literally on the edge of my seat watching someone run for their lives whilst being pursued by a chainsaw wielding lunatic. For me terrifying is people being captured and tortured, when I say it I realise it sounds crazy to watch films like this but once I am watching I can't stop.

I used to happily watch the Saw films, Hostel and all those types of films. Now I have become more wussy since becoming a Mum, since pregnancy! I haven't got round to watching the last Saw film (out of choice), maybe I should challenge myself once again....hmmm.

Go have a look at all the other films over at Metal Mummy...there so are so many I could have added.