I thought of it all whilst cooking dinner, I said it all out in my head and then thought 'quick write it down before you forget!'. All the while thinking I really need a dictaphone, that would solve the problem. Seriously though I would feel such a fool speaking into one of them, or even my phone. I mean for goodness sake, who do I think I am?
I have only previously had one other rant about my nursery and this was in my early days of blogging about nursery staff not respecting my wishes, but that's another story altogether...
What has really annoyed me is the stance the nursery manager took. It was a foul day when I picked Beastie up and certainly not suitable to be standing in the rain waiting for my husband to pick us up. So being sensible (keeping my child dry) we stayed put inside and waited on a seat by the front door until our lift arrived. Not having the desired super power of xray vision, I wasn't able to to see when my husband was going to pull up so figured I would have to rely on my phone. It was on silent and it rang, the briefest of calls to say we could leave. Just as I pulled my phone out of my bag the manager walked by, she heard my conversation for the millesecond that it was and preceded to stand there and say 'now you do know that you aren't allowed mobiles in here don't you?'. I replied explaining that I was aware but it was raining outside and we needed to know when to leave. She went on the justify her patronising statement to which I was fairly short.
This was the same lady that told me she didn't agree with children attending nursery and that they should be with their Mums. This was coming from a woman that runs a nursery, not to mention it is not the most tactful thing to say to a new Mum who already feels incredibly guilty leaving her child AND paying them.
Now if you have stuck with me this far, bravo, I am not sure I would have (or skimmed a bit, I am good at that). Then you might want to comment on how you would feel about this? I feel it's child protection gone too far and some jobsworth relaying protocols unneccessarily, there is a time and a place, I really didn't feel this was needed.
It's very much like people are trained like drones to do things one way and one way only. A bit like when you go to the supermarket and some of people on the check outs appear to be battery operated. They barely acknowledge you and then say 'would you like any help with your packing?' seeming not to have noticed you have only bought three items!