Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Nivea and Ubisoft Event

I was given the opportunity to attend this event along with the other MOMenTUM girls and jumped at the chance. As it happened just three of us could attend which was myself, New Mum Online and Multiple Mummy. Not only was it a great opportunity to meet them for the first time but it was also a great night.

Having never attended an event like this I was unsure of what to expect, it did however exceed my expectations. The fitness and beauty event was held to celebrate a unique collaboration between games developer Ubisoft and worldwide beauty brand NIVEA. They showcased the new NIVEA downloadable (DLC) content available for Your Shape: Fitness Evolved on the the Xbox 360 Kinect.

Courtesy of Multiple Mummy
The evening started with a demonstration of how to use the fitness game, with the opportunity to have a go ourselves. When I probably should have been doing this I was enjoying a smoked salmon blini, a glass of champagne followed by a mini facial.

The mini facial was a rare treat for me and made my skin feel fantastic. The beautician talked me through all the products she was using and they felt luxurious, so it just goes to show that products that are affordable on the high street can provide results to rival the expensive brands. It was lovely and relaxing and besides the products the beautician was a pleasure to meet and I shall not forget her. So by chance if she ever reads this I would like her to know that.

I took a photo of New Mum Online (which I am sure she won't mind) as she was the last to have her treatment, I didn't however get out of that as I had a photo taken by Nivea's official photographer so I shall have to wait and see that one!

New Mum Online having facial
We then moved down to the bar for more drinks and a chance to chat to some fellow Mummy bloggers as well as bloggers with blogs about fashion and fitness. The next part of the evening became very interesting indeed as we were given the opportunity for face reading and kinesiology.

I was intrigued by a gentleman who practises the ancient art of face reading called Al Ferasa, I watched Multiple Mummy who was intently looking at him during her reading and I was eager to have a go myself. It was very interesting how he defined characteristics by the way you use your facial muscles and the overall shape. Apparently my ears signify I like to be in control. I have had a palm reading in the past and it was spookily true however on this occasion I am not sure I gave much away?

Promptly after that finished I had a consultation with a nutritionist who carried out kinesiology. We were asked to complete a form highlighting any ailments we have or areas of concern, so that she could test us for allergies. This was fascinating and she identified that I need to take supplements to ward off viruses and exposed my bad relationship with vegetables and particularly greens. I do in fact love spinach and rocket despite all this so shall be heeding to her advice! I hope to find out more about what else she offers through her website including allergy testing through the post, so when I have this information I will write a post about it.

At the end of a lovely evening of relaxing, drinking and chatting we were presented with a goodie bag of creams and a copy of the Your Shape: Fitness Evolved for Kinect. I am now very glad we have a Kinect in our house, I shall have to dust it off after it has been pretty much abandoned since Christmas (a present for my husband). This is the perfect excuse for me to use it again and also try out the game, having pondered over getting a fitness game when I first bought it. It seems my prayers have been answered.

Once I have had a fair go on it I shall let you all know about how I get on. Something tells me this is a personal trainer with a difference and in the comfort of my own home I have no excuses for not giving it my best.

Nb. I have written this post to share the experience and have not been paid to do so.