Monday, 2 May 2011

Boot Cut Boot Camp Bootie!

It's all in the aptly named title. Liska at New Mum Online has tagged me in on a challenge we have set ourselves. To lose weight...starting tomorrow. Liska wrote the post outlining her reasons behind wanting to lose weight, so I shall do the same here.

I usually get to a point where I feel enough is enough and I need to do something about the extra weight I am carrying. I wrote a post when I was fairly new to blogging which pretty much sums up my relationship with exercise, if you can be bothered you can read the post Exercise is a bore. It's not sounding good is it?

I am the same weight as I was pre baby but my shape has changed (as we know it does). I now worry about weight more than I used to and it is having an effect on how I feel so that is my motivation. I worry about my tummy, I am too bothered about anything else, just this problem area. I sometimes despair at my clothes and anything that clings. I need to lose some weight and tone. Simple. Or is it??

So to start with I need to address what I eat, I have not been paying much attention to feeding myself healthy, nutritious, non stodgy foods. For a while now I have focused on preparing healthy meals for my son and not paid much attention to my own diet. I buy loads of fresh fruit for him all the time but rarely eat it myself! It's crazy to carry on this way and with a summer holiday and Cybermummy to name but a few coming up, I need to sort my act out. Luckily for me I found a few fellow tweeps with a similar plan!

It all starts tomorrow, Easter and the bank holidays are out of the way, so there are no more excuses. I am not sure if I am going to follow a specific plan as yet but will see what happens and where things take me. I shall be looking forward to egging on everyone else and receiving the same support in return, it's what I need!