So this all started on Tuesday, seeing as I was having a BBQ on Monday, I wanted to start afresh when back to work. It is so much easier to curb my appetite at work, although tea drinking does get a little out of hand! Well I was in for a surprise today. Why is it that when you decide and make a pledge to yourself and anyone else that will listen, that you are watching your weight, something happens to through temptation in the way?
That was until I was asked if I was popping in to someone's leaving lunch, to wish them well in their retirement. Just brilliant. I made my excuses and even told someone I wasn't going due to all the food that would be laid out, I have no control when it comes to cakes. I failed miserably and was roped into going, after explaining my worries to my friend about not wanting to eat rubbish, I managed to inadvertently make her think about what she was eating too. So we sat there with several people asking 'are you not having anything? go on!'. In all honesty I didn't want anything, I was full and didn't feel the need for more, not a glimpse of glutony. So my friend and I sat there with an apple each from the fruit bowl. How strange that I had been craving the apple I left behind on the kitchen work top that morning.
What I am hoping is that this is the start of me thinking about what I am eating, rather than just eating for the sake of it. I have always eaten what I want and always been quiet flippant about how fattening some foods can be. A little bit of self restraint has done me good and has proved that I don't always have to choose to eat cake. Just occasionally (or when ill, moody, get the jist).