This time last week I wrote about what I planned for the week ahead and how I would be getting to grips with the Kinect and properly working out with Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. In an ideal world I would have a separate room for using this game, where I could lock the door and complete a workout uninterupted. Give me the slightest excuse and I will take it though, I need some discipline in my life.
So although I didn't manage to use the game throughout last week, it's Monday so I shall start again. Once a week is better than nothing, yeah? No, seriously if I can at least try out all aspects of the game and find the areas that suit me best then I am more likely to go back to it and make it a more regular part of my exercise
One point I will make this week is to always remember there is someone worse off than you, after seeing the programme Embarassing Bodies this week. It's all too easy to get down about ourselves although sometimes we all have good reason. I go through stages where I am bothered more than others and seeing this episode made me realise how badly some women can be affected by pregnancy. If anyone didn't see the show it featured a teenage girl who was slim but was left with a horrific overhang of fat after having her baby. It looked like what you might expect after somebody has lost half their body weight. The girl ended up having an apronectomy (tummy tuck) procedure to cut away the excess skin and tighten her stomach muscles. We all have Mum Tums but I think you will agree this is something else and not something I would have expected to happen to a teenager. I can certainly say it made me look at mine and think well thank goodness it doesn't look like that and require surgery, just a bit of effort on my part is required.
So without further a do ladies I am going to finally practice what I keep preaching about and do a workout! Wish me luck!!