Monday, 16 May 2011

Listography - Products You Couldn't Live Without

Kate over at Kate Takes 5 has asked us to whittle down 5 products we can't live without. I very quickly came up with this list and typed it out. I decided not going to think too much about what other items I could think of and whether I could think of any that really are crucial! nope, but here they are anyway...


Since hair straighteners have been invented, I have not understood how I survived the world before. My hair is straight with a really annoying kink and looks dull and frizzy without them. If they were to break I would go into panic mode.

Eye liner

I admit I am someone who won't go out without makeup on, unless I feel awful and am forced to go bare by having conjunctivitis. Even then I won't venture too far and of course sunglasses are a must, outdoors not indoors like a celeb!


I always need vaseline for my lips and if my nose gets sore with a cold. If I forget a tub my lips instantly seem to get tight and dry. It's probably psychological.


My eyes are pale blue so I squint an awful lot when it's bright outside. I always have to have my trusty sunglasses with me otherwise I literally can't see! You can generally spot me on holiday as the one with the panda look. I do try and sunbathe without them but never long enough for even coverage...


I love my tea. My love for tea is even more so as I have run out today (I never let this happen normally). A nice cup of tea makes everything alright doesn't it? unless you are a coffee drinker of course. Tonight I shall be savouring a cup of tea when the tea bags arrive with my husband.

Have a look at all the other items everyone else has on their list over on Listography.
