Monday, 9 May 2011

MUMenTUM - Monday Check in 1

I think it's great that Liska over at New Mum Online has decided to make a linky for our group challenge. So every Monday we will each write a post about the previous week and how we all manage, warts and all.

It has been encouraging to see that everyone has been very proactive in their approach to lose some weight. As mentioned by Liska and others we all have differing goals but a mutual understanding and need for carmaraderie seems to be far.

The mission to lose my tum continues. It was highlighted this morning as the one thing holding me up and stopping me getting out of the door was the usual predicament, what to wear? Especially when the weather is like today, not cold enough to wrap up but still a bit nippy. I stand most days looking vacantly into my wardrobe, obviously hoping some outfit will spring out from nowhere! maybe one I had forgotten all about, hidden. No such luck, whatever I find will still stick to my stomach like glue. This is my reality check and I am fed up of it. As a result it's spurred me on more (the picture isn't me, not a bulge in sight!).

I have been watching what I eat and haven't had anything indulgent to eat, so no cakes, stodgy biscuits, chocolate, chips etc. When I have been picking at food I have also made sure to think about the choices I am making before I eat. For me the trick is definately not to go hungry, I don't cope well without food and will cave in. Bad moods and loss of concentration/headaches are not worth it in my book and likely to make me give up.

I have found these biscuits and I have to say I really like them! At only 43 calories a biscuit and no wheat I think that's pretty good. Ok they are not as satisfying as a nice chocolate chip cookie (who am I kidding) but they are a fairly decent substitute for someone who likes a sweet fix.

Today I bought some more food from the supermarket to get me through the week. The fruit bowl has never looked so healthy! nor the bottom drawer in the fridge. Luckily I have a little fruit monster to help me get through it all.

Rather than me go on about an article I have read you can look at the link here. The article from the Daily Mail basically lists some foods that naturally curb your hunger like cinnamon, apples, lemons, green tea and eggs. All of which I like and shall be taking on board some of the tips as it doesn't harm to try.

As I have been writing this Beastie has managed to nod off, so that is my cue to get on the exercise bike! So off I go until next weeks update...